Yellowstone Investigative Services LLC

Polygraph Examinations

Polygraph examinations, commonly known as lie detector tests, are valuable tools used to assess truthfulness and detect deception in individuals. Yellowstone Investigative Services LLC offers professional Polygraph Examination services to assist individuals in verifying information, resolving disputes, and uncovering the truth. 

What is a Polygraph Examination?

A polygraph examination measures physiological responses, such as changes in heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and skin conductivity, while a subject is asked a series of questions. These physiological responses are recorded and analyzed by a trained polygraph examiner to determine the likelihood of deception or truthfulness in the subject’s responses.

Applications of Polygraph Examinations

Criminal Investigations

Law enforcement agencies utilize polygraph examinations to gather information, verify alibis, and assess the credibility of witnesses and suspects in criminal investigations. 

Infidelity Investigations

Individuals may request polygraph examinations to address suspicions of infidelity or deception in personal relationships, providing a means to verify the truthfulness of their partner’s statements. 

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