Yellowstone Investigative Services LLC

Witness locating, interviews and statements

Locating witnesses, conducting interviews, and obtaining statements are crucial components of any investigation or legal proceeding. Yellowstone Investigative Services LLC specializes in providing comprehensive Witness Locating, Interview, and Statement services to assist individuals, businesses, attorneys, and law enforcement agencies in gathering valuable evidence and testimonies to support their cases. 

Why Choose Us

Witness Locating

Locating witnesses can be challenging, especially if they have changed addresses or contact information. Our team utilizes advanced investigative techniques, databases, and public records searches to locate witnesses efficiently and effectively. 

Witness Interviews

Interviewing witnesses is a critical aspect of any investigation, allowing us to gather firsthand accounts, observations, and testimonies relevant to the case. Our skilled investigators conduct interviews with sensitivity, professionalism, and attention to detail, ensuring that witnesses feel comfortable and supported throughout the process. We ask targeted questions to elicit accurate and detailed information that can strengthen our clients’ cases. 

Statement Taking

Obtaining written or recorded statements from witnesses is essential for documenting their testimonies and preserving evidence for future use in legal proceedings. Our investigators are experienced in taking detailed statements from witnesses, ensuring accuracy, clarity, and completeness. 

Confidentiality and Integrity

We understand the sensitive nature of witness locating, interviews, and statements and handle all interactions with witnesses with the utmost confidentiality and integrity. Our investigators respect the privacy rights of witnesses and ensure that their identities and personal information are protected throughout the investigative process. 

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